Meet a Caribbean Wedding Vendor: Leah Whitehead


Leah Whitehead make-up

Today our vendor spotlight is on Leah Whitehead, a make up artist based on the beautiful island of Barbados. Get to meet her in our interview bellow.

How long have you been a make-up artist?
I’ve been a make-up artist for 7 years and I’ve been doing eyelash extensions for approximately 3 years.

What are some of your accomplishments and experiences as a make-up artist in the Caribbean.
I’ve travelled to different islands doing make-up for advertising and television shows. I’ve done make-up for many exciting events. Other than doing make-up for the cover of Caribbean Bride issue 3 another one of my biggest accomplishments so far is doing make-up for a spread in Hello! magazine. There’s a lot to experience as a make-up artist and I’m constantly meeting people and learning about them and their cultures.

What do you enjoy the most about being a make-up artist?
I love that it’s always different and enjoyable. I love meeting people, having a new and different canvas and being a part of special days and occasions. It’s great seeing a client’s face light up and the boost of confidence my job can give.

What are some of your favourite wedding make-up details?
Every bride and wedding is different and unique so my favourite make-up details always differ accordingly. I love enhancing features, whether it’s by doing a smokey or cat eye or a dramatic lip. But, in the end it’s really how make-up can finish the whole look that the bride is going for and everything comes together.

Who’s your most memorable Caribbean bride and why?
I wouldn’t say that any one bride stands out as all have been so beautifully unique and special.
I’ve had a bride who turned a colourful, vibrant dress into her wedding dress as she didn’t want the traditional white. It was stunning and suited her perfectly. I’ve had another bride who had a restaurant turned into a fairytale forest and everything, was so magical. So honestly, every wedding has a different memory, making them all unforgettable.

What makes your island so special?
Barbados is special as it has diversity. Every coastline is different and there are many inland locations, all beautiful and picturesque for a bride and groom to choose from. There is a lot of talented people in the wedding industry in Barbados from event planners and decorators to entertainers, photographers and other artists. All of these vendors will help you create the perfect wedding.

Contact Information
Leah Whitehead
Company Name: Make-up by Leah Whitehead
Facebook: Make-up by Leah Whitehead
Instagram: @leahwhiteheadmua

Photos compliments of: Steve Cumberbatch, Nigel Wallace, Jake Thomas, Addison Cumberbatch and Kirk Watkins.