Easy exercises for Brides-to-be on the go


Counting down the days to your wedding and want to look and feel your best? Fitness Guru and Personal Trainer at the exclusive Reebok Sports Club in NYC, Melissa Paris offers the following tips for working out on the go.

Are abdominal exercises while sitting on a subway or bus really effective?
The transverse abs act as a girdle that hold everything together. You can work this these muscles anywhere anytime. Simply draw your belly button in towards your spine (while sitting or standing) hold for 15 seconds and repeat. This is a really easy way to strengthen and tone your core without any time lost.

If I swap my 10 block walk with a light jog, will that actually amount to weight loss after a certain period of time?
If your also watching your diet absolutely! But it’s not always about loosing weight it’s about being healthy and keeping your heart healthy.

What can I do to take advantage of all the time I spend waiting around on a subway platform?
A simple move that does not require moving around is Calve raises. Simply start on your flat feet, then push up on your toes, hold for a 2-3 count lower and repeat.

What exercises can I do once I get to work?
Taking the stairs, making a point to get out of your chair every 10 minutes, stetting your hips by putting your right ankle by left knee and hold for 30 seconds and switch, stitch your arms and torso by holding the back of chair and twisting to each side hold for 30 seconds each.

What are some essentials to keep in my on-the-go gym bag?
Deodorant, extra socks love the lululemon ones, water bottle, snack bag size of bear naked trail mix, extra hair ties.

Melissa Paris has a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Montclair State University. She also holds a certification in personal training from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, pre and postnatal certified,
integrated flexibility training, and the TRX system. Melissa¹s knowledge of anatomy, physiology, organic chemistry and medical nutrition provides her with the tools to help anyone master their fitness and wellness goals. Melissa is best known for how she relates to people, her realistic approach to fitness, and her genuine love for making people feel good from the inside out. Her clientele includes some of the most elite entrepreneurs and CEO’s of NYC at the exclusive Reebok Sports Club. www.melissaparisfitness.com