Will You Marry Me?

Engagement Ring Marry meCouples continue to be very creative with their marriage proposals. Stories are shared about the charming guy who proposed in front of the congregation at church; the adventurous one who put the ring in a cupcake; and the sports lover who had the proposal announced during half-time at a football game. Whatever method was utilized, be assured that whether the proposal was a surprise or planned, the couple rarely forgets the moment.

Ray and Zara

“The marriage proposal came as a complete surprise to me!” Zara recalls excitedly. “It had gotten quite late that Christmas Day, and we had delivered most of the gifts. I was aware that we had one more gift to deliver, but I thought nothing of the fact that there were two more wrapped gifts in the back of the car. We stopped by one of Ray’s friends to deliver what I knew to be the last gift, but Ray spent so much time at this friend’s house, that I got pretty angry, left there and drove over to his mum’s house. I told him whenever he was ready, he could meet me there”.
When Ray finally arrived at his mother’s residence, a peeved Zara was waiting patiently to advise him of her feelings regarding his prolonged visit with his friend. But the moment she was about to chide her partner, lover and best friend, he quietly handed her a postcard.
“I was still upset when I opened the card, which stated, ‘Follow your heart and your dreams will come true!’” Zara reminisces. “Then he handed me what I recognised to be the last gift which was in the car. I opened it, only to see a pile of grapes. I was even more pissed off…I was not impressed! But after I obeyed his urging to dig a little deeper in the box, I realised that there was a beautiful engagement ring beneath the grapes. Ray then gushed, “Zara, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. The grapes were still supposed to be fresh, we were to have some wine…” Then he said the words “I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children, and my companion for life.” I just cried and cried. Then Ray interjected, “Well, you haven’t given a response!” to which I emphatically responded “Yes, yes, yes!”
The following summer, Ray and Zara were married in a spectacular wedding ceremony. They became the proud parents of baby Jazzy last year and continue to strengthen their relationship.

Michael and Katrina

Michael and Katrina were ecstatic when they were able to take a much needed break to explore Europe. Katrina particularly remembers their visit to France. “We were standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and there came a time when I realised that Michael was not standing beside me anymore. When I turned around, I saw that he was kneeling, and then he asked me to be his wife!” she exclaimed, noting how gorgeous Michael looked during that unforgettable moment. “Of course, I responded in the affirmative,” she concludes.

Andrew and Lynette

Lynette and Andrew were living in separate countries when the latter proposed. Lynette remembers, “I came to Barbados on holiday and a day on the beach was planned. We spent the entire day there, and we were strolling along the beach as the sun was setting. Then he pulled out a spectacular diamond and emerald ring, and asked me to become his wife. I responded ‘Certainly!” which was followed by the sharing of wine and loving kisses.

Reissa and Scott

While having nachos and Coronas in Cafe Sol (a Mexican restaurant and bar), the slice of lime fell out of the Corona bottle on the way to the table and while this was the unimportant topic of conversation, the most perfect ring found itself between Scott’s fingers, accompanied by the question: ‘will you marry me?’ – which prompted Reissa’s turn for questions: ‘is that real?’ ‘Nah you’re joking?’… judging from Scott’s expression neither of these were the right answers and were quickly replaced with: ‘YES, OF COURSE!!!!’

Then reality set in (and the lime was recovered from the floor and replaced with a new one). The ring is a perfect fit, the style and size weren’t ever discussed, but Scott did his research and calculations and after quite a bit of searching he found a ring which can only be described as ideal!