Real Wedding: Angelica and Francis, Puerto Rico

Angelica and Francis Cincotta met online. Frank was an IT consultant traveling out of state every week and she was working as a full time banker while attending grad school.  After they were matched in e-Harmony, they exchanged e-mails for about a month before Frank asked her out on a date.  After that first meeting they quickly became inseparable!

Why a Destination Wedding?
We love to travel and are always willing to go wherever the next adventure takes us, regardless of where the  destination is or length of visit.  Very often we go away for the weekend anywhere in the world we are able to visit.  We have visited Istanbul, Chicago, Orlando, Washington, Philadelphia, London, Paris, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Oslo, Norway, Normandy and two of the Hawaiian islands!  Needless to say, when we got engaged, we both decided that a small destination wedding best suit our personalities.

Why Puerto Rico?
We tossed around a few ideas from all corners…from a foreign wedding in the UK to a winter wonderland in Colorado.  After much discussion, we felt that we really should focus on capturing the best parts of a wedding: the experience, the enjoyment, the laughter and the family. We knew at that moment that Puerto Rico was the right location. I have family in Puerto Rico which I do not see very often and Frank’s family was always interested in a vacation on an island and they love Puerto Rican cuisine. The presence of our closest family members would make this an incredible experience. Frank got to explore the island and culture for the first time, while I was able to spend time with family.

The Wedding
We had a small ceremony on the patio of Centro de Estudios Avanzados in Old San Juan.  The venue was picturesque and in the heart of such a beautiful, historic and romantic city.  We had 15 of our closest relatives join us on our big day as we exchanged marriage vows.  The ceremony was bilingual so that everyone could follow along on our special day.  Everything was perfect.  We had a first-look at a different part of the venue, followed with the ceremony on the main patio under the most beautiful canopy followed by a delicious dinner reception at Casa Lola.

Advice to other Caribbean Brides
An effective and creative wedding planner (like mine!) is key. Planning a wedding, big or small, is difficult and stressful. Planning a wedding from a distance is even more challenging. Find someone that makes you feel comfortable because you will be putting a lot of trust in them and then trust your judgment that you hired the right person and let them do their job. After you’ve placed your trust in the wedding planner and your day arrives, ENJOY every moment and every second of that day. Do not stress and expect the unexpected.  Last but certainly not least: be nice to your vendors. They work hard to make your day perfect for you!

 Congratulations Angelica and Francis!

WEDDING PLANNER: Denise De Quevedo – Magnolia Productions

DECORATOR/FLORIST: Glow Event Planners

PHOTOGRAPHER: Alfredo Gotay Photography

VIDEOGRAPHER: Zura Film Productions

HAIR & MAKEUP: Qza Makeup Artist – Qza Morales

CEREMONY MUSIC: Kutasha Silva and her lovely duo

BAKER: Little Cupcake Shop

TRANSPORTATION: Five Star Executive Transportation

OFFICIANT: Cory Casterton